Extra Flyers for Single Drive Wheels

Jumbo Flyer

The Jumbo Flyer adds nearly 2 times the space for yarn over the already great size regular bobbin, so if you are plying or just spinning singles, you can put more on a Jumbo bobbin. The orifice on the Jumbo Flyer is .7 inches, so you can spin thick yarn or do heavy plys. The ratios are great for low or medium speeds. For some, this will be the flyer for general purpose spinning. Each Jumbo Kit comes includes one jumbo bobbin.

Jumbo Kit on the Sonata – ratios of 5, 7.5, and 10 to 1.

Jumbo Kit on the Prelude – ratios of 5.5, 7, and 9 to 1.

Jumbo Kit on the Interlude – ratios of 5.5, 8.3, and 11 to 1.

Instructions for using Jumbo Flyer and tensioning elastic drive band – Download PDF


Faster Flyer

The Faster Flyer extends the high end ratios of your wheel. These high-end speeds, coupled with the joy of spinning on a Sonata, Prelude and Interlude, give you the feeling of a production wheel. Use the regular bobbins with the Faster Flyer.

Faster Flyer on the Sonata – ratios of 12, 16 and 18 to 1. 

Faster Flyer on the Prelude – ratios of 11, 14.5 and 16.5 to 1.

Faster Flyer on the Interlude – ratios of 13.3, 17.5 and 20 to 1.

More About the Flyers

Spinning Wheel Ratios

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