A Kromski Stick Shuttle Furthers Science

Weaving with Plastic Thread
Weaving with Plastic Thread

From Wolsztyn, Poland, to a deep mine in South Dakota, who could imagine that a low tech tool of weaving developed thousands of years ago would help the decidedly high tech research of astrophysics. 

Here is a note about how a Kromski stick shuttle is “pushing” the frontiers of science.

” I am an astrophysicist working on a deep earth particle detector (featured in the January 2011 issue of Popular Science).

The detector requires many fine wires to monitor sensors, and the wires and connectors were getting tangled and damaged. I used the loom with a monofilament plastic thread for the weft and our wires as the weave to make a short length of loomed wires to hold in a connector. My colleagues and I were thrilled with the results! Thanks for your great products!!

Dan A.

P.S. we work in a “clean room” with gloves, etc, to minimize dust, finger grease, etc, which could contaminate the experiment.”

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