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Ulotka Jumbo dla Kromski Fantasia
Jeśli szukasz rozwiązania umożliwiającego przędzenie i nawlekanie grubszych przędz na maszynie Fantasia lub większej pojemności szpulki, zestaw Fantasia Jumbo Flyer Kit jest odpowiedzią dla Ciebie! Ten zestaw jest dostarczany z Jumbo Flyer i Jumbo Bobbin. Jumbo Whorl, który jest zawarty w tym zestawie pozwala na...

Colors of the Year 2025
Meet new energetic… Fantasia Royal Purple Introducing the Limited Edition Royal Purple Fantasia Spinning Wheel, a vibrant and energetic addition to your fiber arts toolkit. There will only be 100 of these Limited Edition wheels made and each one will be personally signed by Daniel Kromski. A Touch of Sophistication for Your Weaving Journey! Presto…

Fall Time is Natural Dye Time
Every year I look forward to Fall. The air is crisp and leaves rustle in the wind. It’s a season for pumpkins, pecans and Goldenrod. In our area the Goldenrod is quite prolific, and I feel compelled every year to make a big pot of dye using this pretty yellow weed. This year I’m using…
Drive Band
Available in hemp or elastic for double drive wheels and the original elastic for single drive wheels. Learn how to size and tie a band – download PDF. Learn more about double drive spinning wheels and single drive spinning wheels.

How to Convert a 4 Shaft Draft to Weave on 3 Heddles
Converting a weaving draft so that it can be woven on a Rigid Heddle is not difficult – once you understand how! In this tutorial I will show you how I “cracked the code” so that I can now weave ANY 4 shaft pattern on my Kromski Harp Forte equipped with three heddles. To start…

Bead Weaving on the Kromski Presto
The Kromski Presto Loom is a dream to weave on. It’s cute, compact and yet with the choice of 10” or 16” width, it’s large enough to make a variety of projects. There is even a choice of Unfinished or the Color of the Year. Mint is the 2023 color and I love it! As I…