
European Premium Wool is extremely velvety to the touch, created with only the highest quality selected fibers.
Our Premium Merino wool originates from Poland, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary and it is muelesing free, which has not undergone the superwash process. It is perfect for spinning, needle felting, wet felting, arm-knitting and weaving.
Grubość włókna wynosi 22-24µ.
Twisted in the form of 25 g/m – 0.8 oz/yard.

European Merino wool originates from Poland, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary and it is muelesing free. The wool has not undergone the superwash process. It is perfect for spinning, needle felting, wet felting, arm-knitting and weaving.
The thickness of the Kromski Wool Standard is 26-28μ and and is available in 75 beautiful colours.
Twisted in the form of 25 g/m – 0.8 oz/yard.

Do pomocy podczas korzystania z metody bezpośredniego wypaczania w celu wypaczenia Harp Forte.

Nowa konstrukcja z haczykiem o standardowym rozmiarze na jednym końcu i cieńszym drucianym końcem na drugim dla lepszej interakcji z cienkimi przędzami.

Waga: 3 uncje, długość: 30,5 cm/12 cali, średnica koła: 10 cm/4 cale

Ideal kit for learning spindle spinning, everything needed to get started is included. Makes a great gift for the new fiber artist.

Ideal kit for learning spindle spinning, everything needed to get started is included. Makes a great gift for the new fiber artist.
The Niddy Noddy makes working with drop spindle much more easy.

European Premium Wool is extremely velvety to the touch, created with only the highest quality selected fibers.
Our Premium Merino wool originates from Poland, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary and it is muelesing free. The wool has not undergone the superwash process. It is perfect for spinning, needle felting, wet felting, arm-knitting and weaving.
Grubość włókna wynosi 22-24µ.
Twisted in the form of 25 g/m – 0.8 oz/yard.

European Merino wool originates from Poland, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary and it is muelesing free. The wool has not undergone the superwash process. It is perfect for spinning, needle felting, wet felting, arm-knitting and weaving.
The thickness of the Kromski Wool Standard is 26-28μ and and is available in 75 beautiful colours.
Twisted in the form of 25 g/m – 0.8 oz/yard.

Obejmuje kolory:
Spearmint #39
Jasnoróżowy #5
Jasny wrzos #14
Żółty #2

European Merino wool originates from Poland, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary and it is muelesing free. The wool has not undergone the superwash process. It is perfect for spinning, needle felting, wet felting, arm-knitting and weaving.
The thickness of the Kromski Wool Standard is 26-28μ and and is available in 75 beautiful colours.
Twisted in the form of 25 g/m – 0.8 oz/yard.

Każdy zestaw zawiera 7 różnych igieł i etui, drewniany uchwyt na igły, szydło, ochraniacze na palce, oczka, druty i wysokiej jakości podkładkę do filcowania. Znajdziesz tu również wystarczającą ilość polskiej wełny merynosowej do skompletowania zestawu i nie tylko. Do zestawu dołączona jest kolorowa instrukcja.