The Vivo Skeiner

Every fiber artist, spinner, knitter/crocheter and weaver can benefit from adding a quality skein winder to their workspace. You’ll love everything about the new Vivo. It is infinitely adjustable to fit any size skein by simply sliding the metal posts and securing them in place with the sturdy brass knobs. 

The Vivo is solid and steady, yet easily comes apart for storage. And did we mention that it spins like a dream on its smooth metal axel?

To order contact your local Kromski dealer.

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  • Continuously adjustable from 60cm to 180cm (24 to 72 inches) 
  • Sliding pegs on arms
  • Easy to fold and unfold (for storage)
  • Slide bearing on main axle
  • handle 
  • powder-coated metal pegs (water resistant)
  • 2-in-1 application: skeiner / skein winder (making skeins) and yarn swift (unwinding skeins)
  • perfect for blocking wool skeins
  • modern design: combination of wood and metal
  • anti-slip pads
  • clamp included (for securing to a table)

Finishing options:

  • Finished with Black base
  • Walnut with Ecru base

Video of Assembling the Vivo Skeiner

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